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Support The Arts

Once upon a time, Kings, Queens, Popes, and all other manner of affluent people paid patronage to the arts. They gave money, gifts, homes, office space. All sorts of goodies to make sure their favorite artist was not a starving artist. 


Today, most artists and creators of all kinds hear the harsh "advice" meant to end creative processes of all kinds..."just get a real job." Well, fine sir or madame, if every creative person in the world just got a real job, then you would be deprived of the next great screenwriter, painter, musician, novelist, sculptor. True story. The world would be lacking in the creative flair that is responsible for nearly everything you love in your life, no matter what your personal tastes are.


There are middle man sites out there who set up a creative space for patrons to donate money and gifts, taking a percentage of the donation, but I prefer to cut out the middle man. All gifts can be sent directly to me, without feeding another corporate machine in the process with the simplicity of PayPal. If you wish to support my creative habit, help alleviate the starving artist lifestyle, send a gift here.


If you prefer to operate under the big toe of a middleman, you can also Buy Me A Coffee, or in my case a glass of wine. 

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